Compulsory military training to all youths is against democratic ethos of the country and is highly undesirable as some of the trained men could join the ranks of radical forces, Defence Minister A K Antony told the Lok Sabha. In a written reply to the House, he also said the Govt is not in favour of making military training compulsory as under the democratic set up of the nation, people are free to chose their profession.
"Military training to all the youths may lead to militarisation of an entire nation. With our socio-political and economic conditions, it is highly undesirable, lest some of the unemployed youths trained in military skills join the ranks of the radical forces," Antony said.
The Govt. is not in favour of making military training compulsory as India is a democratic republic and the Constitution does not provide for such a thing.
Click: Compulsory Military Training Against Democratic Ethos: Defence Minister